Abdelrahman Otify


Project Title: Implementing machine learning algorithms to detect and screen for obstructive sleep apnoea episodes using a headband


Prof Ian Nabney, School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

Dr Ana Paula Abdala Sheikh, School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience 

General Profile:

I studied Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of Bristol. I mainly learnt about thermodynamics, fluids, electrical and power systems. I got involved in multiple internships where I took part in designing using Inventor and Solidworks. I also used LTSpice and MATLAB for the simulation and analysis of electrical circuits and systems. My 3rd year individual project was about analysing power systems in the presence of HVDC lines. In 4th year, my group project was about characterising iron loss in shrink-fitted stator materials. I also like thinking and exploring subjects from different perspectives which is done a lot in engineering. One of the projects I undertook was looking at heat transfer and cooling methods from both the mechanical and electrical domain.

I have always enjoyed reading about the human body and biology in general. This motivated me to join the CDT in Digital Health and Care. I would like to use and develop my existing knowledge and skills to innovate and contribute to science. More specifically, I would like to create something that will benefit humanity and the wider society.

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