NHS Overview

NHS Overview 

​​​​​​​There is an interchange and overlap of roles across University of Bristol and NHS within the areas of civic and knowledge exchange, research and innovation and the workforce.

Civic and Knowledge exchange

UoB is a key partner in collaborations, often with UWE and the local health and care system which are nationally funded and/or designated. They enable, conduct and support the uptake of health and care research to improve health and wellbeing.

Shared UoB/NHS engagement

  1. UoB collaborates with local health & care partners to implement research and evaluate changes.
  2. The University and NHS have a shared role as anchor institutions in the region.

UoB as part of NHS

  1. Senior UoB leaders are on local NHS Trust boards as part of the integrated care system.
  2. UoB academics involved in NHS service transformation work.

Research and Innovation

National Institute of Health & Care Research (NIHR) funding and infrastructure is central to most of the activities outlined across this slide. Other funders such as charities, Wellcome Trust, the MRC and other research councils are also key to funding research.

Shared UoB/NHS engagement

  1. There is a combined NIHR income of £135M+
  2. UoB hosts or participates in nearly all major infrastructure available to local areas to enable and deliver health research.

UoB as part of NHS

  1. Researchers generate new discoveries: improvements in health & wellbeing.
  2. Researchers work in partnership with NHS to develop digital health technologies & new secure data environments for analysing anonymised patient information 

University of Bristol Workforce

Clinical academics are health professionals who spend part of their time treating patients in the NHS and part of their time undertaking research and educating the next generation.

UoB as part of NHS

  1. UoB academics train the workforce of the future: Bristol Medical School, Dental School, Healthcare Science etc.
  2. UoB academics prepare workforce for new technology and other innovations through digital health and other programmes.
  3. UoB clinical academics treat NHS patients.
  4. Joint posts across the University and NHS facilitate improved research.

Key Facts

  1. 1M people live in our local NHS region (the Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos Integrated Care system (ICS))
  2. UoB is the only English institution to be a member of all three NIHR Research Schools (Primary Care, Public Health, and Social Care) and is one of the top 8 MRC-funded UK universities.


NHS overview slide (PDF, 118kB)


UoB and NHS Overview 2023 (PDF, 118kB) NHS overview slide

This slide shows the range of ways in which UoB and the NHS work together.

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