News in 2021

  • Building Instruments: Community Soundscapes for Urban Exploration and Sonic Architecture 1 February 2021 How much do the sounds around you affect your mood? How much do you need to alter a city’s soundscape to benefit its citizens?
  • Including the Excluded: Education and Wellbeing in the time of COVID 1 January 2021 How are these young people experiencing education now? How has expulsion impacted their mental health, social connectedness, and emotional wellbeing? What are excluded pupils’ educational and wellbeing needs now we’re returning to face-to-face learning?
  • Kinds of conversation: making the intangible tangible 1 January 2021 How can researchers enable the public to experience a conversation in a different and more immersive way and to communicate concepts of support and kindness through visual, embodied language?
  • Who's in Our Food? 1 January 2021 How can artists and researchers come together to create visualisations of injustice and resistance in contemporary food systems with the goal to explore disparities, inequalities, and the social/environmental problems inherent in industrialised food systems?
  • AD4Games: making video games accessible for visually impaired players 1 January 2021 Is audio description assisted game playing feasible? Can audio description be applied to game streaming? Can video games include audio description?
  • Creative Grieving 1 January 2021 How can we explore the therapeutic potential of creativity? What is the most effective way to demonstrate the different ways that art and the imagination can enable the bereaved to express and process their loss?
  • Prehension Blooms: using soft robots to include isolated people in creative spaces 1 January 2021 Can soft-bodied robots help us to combat isolation and loneliness?
  • Robotany 1 January 2021 How can engineers, artists and hydroponic growers come together to explore the use of recent robotics innovations from the University of Bristol as a means to advance automation of vertical farming?
  • The Hamlet Voyage 1 January 2021 How can theatre making and practice-as-research shed light upon possibly the first performance of Hamlet as well as the colonial history of the early voyages of the East India Trading company?
  • Bringing the War Home II 1 January 2021 How can we expand current understandings of war and what makes war possible by focussing on ‘home’? Can photo-documentary research disrupt current representations and understandings of war to further the collective understanding of war, war-time and military life?
  • CSA Survivors and Oral Health Care 1 January 2021 How can we start the discussion and increase the field of research related to CSA survivors and dental health?
  • Individual actions add up: Finding inspiration in everyday citizen actions to address inequalities in post-pandemic climate and nature emergency responses 1 January 2021 How can the positive environmental actions of the community be properly recognized and learned from to enact future climate policy? How can this help address inequalities in post-pandemic climate and nature emergency responses?
  • Mind the gap: State directives, Orthodoxy, and living well in 21st-century Britain 1 January 2021 How can we create an effective discourse on legal protections and responsibilities in self-protective religious minorities?
  • South West Agroecology Network 1 January 2021 How does ecological literacy affect the ability of humans to comprehend and interact with current crises? How does access to land affect the uptake of agroecology in the South West? What are the deep-set beliefs and behaviours of farmers and academics preventing our food system from making an agroecological transition? What is the role of collaborative processes in supporting and promoting agroecological systems?
  • Developing a methodology for the empowerment of teachers-as-researchers in the context of Climate Change Education 1 January 2021 How can teachers be enabled to collaborate together at scale as researchers? What barriers and opportunities exist for teachers and academics in the South-West/Wales to collaboratively develop a methodology for teachers to collect data on climate change within their schools?
  • Find Your Village: involving children and young people from ethnically diverse backgrounds in improvements to local neighbourhood geography 1 January 2021 How can local policies about neighbourhood geography could take more account of the experiences of young people from ethnically diverse communities?
  • Constitutional Therapy 1 January 2021 How can we explore the creative processes behind our different voices? Can the popular media of podcasts and short films assist the political process of constitution-making? How can we tell the history of Chile’s social movements from the perspective of the objects that shaped them?
  • Metre and Memorisation 1 January 2021 What's the best way to learn a poem? Is silent rote learning effective, or is it better to repeat things aloud, to visualise the poem's content, or to move about when trying to memorise it? Do different memorisation techniques induce different psychological effects?
  • Temperature Life Stories: Feeling the Heat 1 January 2021 What causes us to experience temperatures differently? How can researchers facilitate an exploration of human experience of rising temperatures?
  • Dementia Textiles 1 January 2021 How can researchers develop a soft robotic device as a therapeutic product with intelligent sensing to support people living with dementia?
  • Access and Active Leisure in a Time of Pandemic: Tales of Two Cities 1 January 2021 How have people experienced access to the cities’ streets, thoroughfares, and green spaces during the pandemic?  What’s different between Bristol and Bordeaux? What commonalities are there? And how do people experience different forms of lockdown? 
  • Navigating Time in the Anthropocene 1 January 2021 How can culture, creativity and ‘critical making’ can promote better critical understanding of temporality in the Anthropocene?
  • While We Are Apart 1 January 2021 How is closeness and distance being renegotiated and navigated? What does it mean to ‘bump into someone’ in the context of home-working and social distancing?
  • Jenny: Posed as a woman 1 January 2021 How can we talk about trans lives by examining the life of a gender non-conforming woman from the past? How can researcher explore the life of Jenny Moore from the early twentieth century, and focus on how living outside the law shaped their identity and experience?
  • What is the best way to talk about menopause? 1 January 2021 How can an supportive and informative conversation about menopause be started without embarrassing or putting off people?
  • Resilience Through International Networks: A co-produced pilot project 1 January 2021 How can we support young entrepreneurs in Nigeria and Bristol to support new ventures through international collaboration? And how do we develop effective strategies and tools to bring international groups of young people together to collaborate?
  • Softly non-spoken 1 January 2021 How can researchers use soft robotics to develop non-verbal communication aids for people with communication difficulties?
  • We Are Still Here: Stories from the HIV & AIDS Community 1 January 2021 To what extent can visual representations of living spaces offer an insight into the lived experiences and mental well-being of people in the HIV/AIDS community in the UK?
  • Walking and Re-Creation 1 January 2021 How can we consider walking as a form of exercise and cultural performance that is socially conditioned? Are we able to unite health and creative perspectives on walking? How can the regenerative benefits of walking be accessible to all Bristolians?
  • Bristol Carescapes 1 January 2021 How would care receivers like to experience care in the future? What does it looks like? What is it's materiality? What emotions will it bring?
  • Living Well Through the Menopause and The MenoMakers’ Handling Box. 1 January 2021 How have women found information and advice about the menopause? Is it understood and discussed differently within different families or social and cultural groups? And how can creative activities and storytelling help people explore and communicate their experiences of the menopause in different ways, and improve wellbeing?
  • Reimagining the Diary: diary-keeping as a positive tool for teacher wellbeing 1 January 2021 How can a new approach to diary writing be used to improve the wellbeing of teachers in the UK? Can effective policy be developed around this to impact government policy on teaching?
  • How to Open a Print Shop 1 January 2021 How can a wooden printing press offer an antidote to an isolated world which has become dominated by screens and by texts composed in haste? How can a common press allow people to connect off-line, encouraging mindful and embodied practices?
  • Research Action Coalition for Race Equality (RACE) 1 January 2021 What is the perceived value of developing a set of guidelines for co-production co-designed by a group of disparate communities coming together to seek racial justice?
  • Once Upon a Hill: Follow on funding to support evidence-based policy making 1 January 2021 How can previous research and engagement with local communities through participatory methods be implemented in designing policy around community-assets and community-led economic development initiatives?
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