Digital Champions exist to help staff in all schools access discipline-relevant advice and examples to support them to move their teaching into online and blended formats.
The university has established an informal network of digital champions in order to help staff in all schools access discipline-relevant advice and examples to support them to move their teaching into online and blended formats. Working with School Education Directors and other colleagues, the digital champions facilitate the move to online and blended learning in a number of ways:
By contributing their own perspectives and expertise to central guidance, courses and advice;
By feeding school- or discipline-specific perspectives of the types of teaching that they need to do, or the challenges they are facing into BILT and the DEO so that it can be considered in the digital environment, guidance and exemplars;
By gathering and sharing examples of effective online approaches from and with colleagues;
By advising colleagues on suitable tools and approaches, and directing them to further relevant advice, guidance and support.
Please contact your digital champion to discuss what support is available in your school to translate your teaching to online and blended approaches. If you would like specific guidance on tools and how they can be used, please contact the Digital Education Office,
Find out who your digital champion is
Visit our full list of digital champions to find out who to contact in your school.
Do's and Don'ts
Some of our digital champions have shared their the BILT blog post, online teaching and learning 'do's and don'ts'