Lecture: Are we human or are we cyborg? LAUNCH EVENT

16 November 2015, 6.00 PM - 16 November 2015, 7.30 PM

Genevieve Liveley

Peel Lecture Theatre, School of Geographical Sciences, University Road, Bristol, BS8 1SS

In the ancient world, mythical monsters such as Centaurs and Amazons, Cyclops and Giants, were good to think with. They helped people to ask and answer questions about what it meant to be human, about kinship, community and identity. Incredibly, among these ancient mythical monsters we find cyborgs and robots very similar to those we meet in modern science-fiction: Terminator-like bronze giants, golden robotic slaves and silver watchdogs. This interactive discussion and analysis of cyborg stories and images both ancient and modern will explore what they tell us about being human and will try to answer the question ‘Are we human or are we cyborg?'

Join us for a wine reception following the lecture.

This event is part of InsideArts festival 2015.

Please click here to book and reserve your place.