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Articles from journals

Reference list entries for articles from journals are written in a similar way to those found in books, and should include:

  • The name of the author - in CAPITALS, surname first
  • The year of publication
  • The title of the article - in normal script
  • The name of the journal - in italics
  • The volume number - and part number if applicable (in brackets)
  • The page numbers of the article.

The names of journals should not be abbreviated or reduced to initials, as this may make it difficult for readers who are unfamiliar with the abbreviations to find your source.

The page numbers of the article should not be preceded by 'pp.'

There is no need to use 'In:'


JOHNSON, L.B., 2001. Feeding the working pterodactyl. Journal of dinosaur husbandry, 56 (1), 122-146.

HOWARD, M.P., 3456. Another summer sun: is Betelgeuse the next Alpha Centauri? Journal of intergalactic tourism, 4, 234-278.



Write out a full reference list entry for this article

Author: David Charles Davies

Title: The archaeological evidence for mammoth meat sausages

Journal: Journal of prehistoric cuisine

Volume number: 25

Year of publication: 2004

Page numbers: 235-256.

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Fill in the gaps in this reference list entry.

JAMESON, , . New developments in self ventilating housing for breeding sauropods. Journal of dinosaur husbandry, (2), .

Well Done! Keep it up!Oh dear. Have another look at the notes and examples above, then have another try.

Word bank: 2002, 241-278, 57, M.W.

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