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Chapters or articles from books

When reference is made to a chapter or article in a book made up of contributions from several authors, the note must include the following:

  • The author of the article/chapter - in CAPITALS, surname first.
  • The year of publication
  • The title of the article/chapter - in normal script
  • The name of the editor of the book - in CAPITALS, initials first, followed by 'ed.'
  • The title of the book in which the chapter/article appears - in italics
  • The first and last page numbers of the article/chapter.

The name of the article or chapter should be followed by a full stop, and 'In:' should be written before the name of the editor of the book. The date of publication should follow the name of the author of the chapter/article.

The first and last page numbers of the article/chapter should not be preceded by 'pp.'


ALEXANDER, T.G., 1989. Rethinking indoor Tyrannosaur production strategy in the light of the Tavistock massacre. In: J.R. SIMPSON, ed. Rex on the rampage: the worst dinosaur farming disaster in British history. London: Brown, 55-78.

LEAKEY, D., 1985. The Cumberland sausage and the London fashion industry. In: S.T. WILSON, ed. The Cumberland sausage: a British cultural icon. London: Butcher's Press, 128-202.



Select the correct reference list entry from this list.

a) HORDEN, T.K., 1935. 'Polar bear livers and vitamin A toxicity'. In: B.A. ROSS, ed. The Victorian polar bear hunters: stories of endurance and daring in the frozen north. London: Purdey, 120-200.
b) HORDERN, T.K., Polar bear livers and vitamin A toxicity. In: B.A. ROSS, ed. 1935. The Victorian polar bear hunters: stories of endurance and daring in the frozen north. London: Purdey, 120-200
c) HORDERN, T.K., 1935. Polar bear livers and vitamin A toxicity. In: B.A. ROSS, ed. The Victorian polar bear hunters: stories of endurance and daring in the frozen north. London: Purdey, 120-200.
d) HORDERN, T.K., 1935. Polar bear livers and vitamin A toxicity. In: B.A. ROSS, ed. The Victorian polar bear hunters: stories of endurance and daring in the frozen north. London: Purdey, 120-200.
Please select an answerOh No! The article or chapter title should not be in quotation marks.Look carefully! The date should appear after the author of the contribution, not the editor.Whoops! The title of the book should be in italics, not the title of the contribution.Excellent! Go to the top of the class!
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Write out an entry for this work.

Author: Tarquin Frederick Cummings

Title of chapter: Hunting the Masai man-eating lion pride

Title of book: Man-eating cats of the world

Editor: Gordon Lloyd

Date: 1952

Place of Publication: London

Publisher: Purdey

Page numbers: 33-65.

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