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Citing sources in the text


How much do you know already about referencing using the Harvard System?

Identify the correct citation.

a) (John Edwards 2002, pp.66-77)
b) (Edwards 2002, pp.66-77)
c) (2002, Edwards, pp.66-77)
d) (Edwards. 2002, pp.66-77)
Please select an answerOh no! There is no need to include the author's first name. You need to brush up on your skills. Read the section below and test your knowledge with the exercises at the end.Correct, well done! Consolidate your knowledge by reading the section below. You can test yourself with the questions at the end.Oh dear. The author's name and the date are the wrong way around. You need to brush up on your skills. Read the section below and test your knowledge with the exercises at the end.Oh no. There is no need for a full stop after the author's name. You need to brush up on your skills. Read the section below and test your knowledge with the exercises at the end.
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Under the Harvard System, sources are cited in short notes in brackets in the text, and a corresponding full reference is included in a list of references at the end of the work.

Every time the ideas, facts or opinions of another are used in a piece of work it must be acknowledged with a full reference. Whether a source is quoted directly, indirectly, paraphrased or summarised, it must be acknowledged. To do otherwise is plagiarism.

Notes in the text should include

  • The name of the author - surname only e.g. 'Brown'
  • The date of the source - full year e.g. '1987'.
  • The specific page reference if necessary - e.g. 'p.23' or 'pp.56-78'.

If the name of the author is not known, use 'Anon' in its place. When making reference to a chapter or article that appears in a book made up of contributions from many authors, cite the name of the author of the actual article.

If the date is uncertain try to give an approximate date that is as accurate as possible. This should appear in square brackets preceded by 'ca.' e.g. [ca.1990].

There should be no comma between the name of the author and the date, but the date and page reference should be separated with commas. Page references should be as specific as possible. Do not use vague abbreviations like 'f' or 'ff'. Note that there is no space between 'p.' and the page number.

The particular content of the parenthetical note will depend on the nature of the sentence in which the reference appears. In some instances all three pieces of information will be included, at others only the date and the page reference, or even the page reference alone.


In this example, the first sentence has a full citation, as the author's name does not appear in the text, unlike the second citation, which contains only the date and page reference.

It has long been argued (Butcher 1990, pp.78-90) that pork and leek sausages are better than pork and apple. However, Neville (2005, pp.56-98) has recently produced evidence to the contrary.



Write out a parenthetical citation for this work.

Author: David Tomkins

Title: The Legal Aspects of Urban Dinosaur Keeping

Date: 1978

Page reference: 45-78

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Select the correct citation

a) In a recent article, Stone (1987, 89) argued that the sausage is one of Britain's most important cultural symbols.
b) In a recent article, Stone (1987, p.89) argued that the sausage is one of Britain's most important cultural symbols.
c) In a recent article, Stone (1987. p.89) argued that the sausage is one of Britain's most important cultural symbols.
d) In a recent article, Stone (p.89, 1987) argues that the sausage is one of Britain's most important cultural symbols.
Please select an answerOh Dear! There is no 'p.' before the page number.Well Done!On No! The date and page reference should be separated by a comma not a full stop.Whoops! The date and page reference are the wrong way round!
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Which of these citations is correct?

a) Research has shown that, at that time, hippo ivory commanded a much higher price than elephant ivory, as it was used to produce superior false teeth (Spencer 1976, p.342).
b) Research has shown that, at that time, hippo ivory commanded a much higher price than elephant ivory, as it was used to produce superior false teeth (Spencer, 1976, p.342).
c) Research has shown that, at that time, hippo ivory commanded a much higher price than elephant ivory, as it was used to produce superior false teeth (Spencer 1976, 342).
d) Research has shown that, at that time, hippo ivory commanded a much higher price than elephant ivory, as it was used to produce superior false teeth (Spencer 1976, pp.342)
Please select an answerWell done! Go to the top of the class!Take care with the punctuation. There should not be a comma after the author's surname.Oh No! There should be 'p.' preceding the page reference.Careful! There is only one page specified, so 'p.' should be used in place of 'pp.'
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