Value Theory Workshop 2023

13 September 2023, 10.30 AM - 13 September 2023, 5.00 PM

Room G59, ARTS Complex (13 Woodland Road)

This workshop is an opportunity to hear about and discuss some of the current research being carried out in the philosophy department. The focus is on value theory (broadly understood as including ethics, political philosophy, social philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology, the histories of these subjects, and more).

All are welcome to attend any number of the talks. 



 Martin Sticker

"Does the Formula of Humanity prohibit (some forms of) industrial action?"


 Anthony Everett

 "Literature, imagination, and morality"

                          Lunch Break


 Alan Wilson

 "What's wrong with shamelessness?"


 Seiriol Morgan

 "Conscience and entitlement in Fichte and Hegel"

                           Tea/Coffee Break


 Deb Marber and Sam Colclough

 "Collective intellectual humility through the lens of scientific institutions""

Contact information

For information, contact Alan Wilson (

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