Conversations on Art and Life

30 March 2022, 5.00 PM - 30 March 2022, 6.00 PM

Online - ticket details below

Join Dr Kate Guthrie (University of Bristol) and Prof John Howland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) as they discuss art, life and their recently published books with Prof Faye Hammill (University of Glasgow). 

About the books

The Art of Appreciation: Music and Middlebrow Culture in Modern Britain - Kate Guthrie

From the BBC Proms to Bernstein's Young People's Concerts, initiatives to promote classical music have been a pervasive feature of twentieth-century musical life. The goal of these initiatives was rarely just to reach a larger and more diverse audience but to teach a particular way of listening that would help the public "appreciate" music. This book examines for the first time how and why music appreciation has had such a defining and long-lasting impact—well beyond its roots in late-Victorian liberalism. It traces the networks of music educators, philanthropists, policy makers, critics, composers, and musicians who, rather than resisting new mass media, sought to harness their pedagogic potential. The book explores how listening became embroiled in a nexus of modern problems around citizenship, leisure, and education. In so doing, it ultimately reveals how a new cultural milieu—the middlebrow—emerged at the heart of Britain's experience of modernity.

Hearing Luxe PopGlorification, Glamour, and the Middlebrow in American Popular Music - John Howland

Hearing Luxe Pop explores a deluxe-production aesthetic that has long thrived in American popular music, in which popular-music idioms are merged with lush string orchestrations and big-band instrumentation. John Howland presents an alternative music history that centers on shifts in timbre and sound through innovative uses of orchestration and arranging, traveling from symphonic jazz to the Great American Songbook, the teenage symphonies of Motown to the “countrypolitan” sound of Nashville, the sunshine pop of the Beach Boys to the blending of soul and funk into 1970s disco, and Jay-Z’s hip-hop-orchestra events to indie rock bands performing with the Brooklyn Philharmonic. This book attunes readers to hear the discourses gathered around the music and its associated images as it examines pop’s relations to aspirational consumer culture, theatricality, sophistication, cosmopolitanism, and glamorous lifestyles.

Contact information

Online:  Tickets available from Eventbrite

Kate Guthrie's book launch:  Conversations on Art and Life

Book cover for The Art of Appreciation by Kate Guthrie

Hearing Luxe Pop by John Howland

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