Executive Committee 2024

Director: Dr Ellen O'Gorman
Deputy Director: Dr Ian Calvert
Leventis Fellow: Dr Naomi Scott

Dr. Ian Calvert - Lecturer in English, Department of English

Prof. Terrell Carver - Professor of Political Theory, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies

Dr. Richard Cole - Lecturer in Digital Classics, Department of Classics & Ancient History

Dr. Lyndsay Coo - Lecturer in Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Department of Classics & Ancient History

Dr. Rhiannon Daniels - Associate Professor in Italian, Department of Italian

Dr. Lesel Dawson - Senior Lecturer in English, Department of English

Dr. Peter Dent - Lecturer, Department of History of Art (Historical Studies)  

Dr. Elaine McGirr - Reader in Theatre and Performance Histories, Department of Theatre
Dr. Ellen O’Gorman - Senior Lecturer in Classics, Department of Classics & Ancient History
Dr. Sig Sønnesyn - Lecturer in Medieval Christianity, Department of Religion and Theology
Dr. Rowan Tomlinson - Senior Lecturer in Comparative Renaissance Studies, Department of French

Dr. Naomi ScottA.G. Leventis Research Associate Fellowship in Ancient Greek Studies, Department of Classics & Ancient History