
Read about our legacy network project BristolBridge, which was developed to "Bridge the Gaps" between the physical sciences and engineering and AMR.

An interdisciplinary AMR research network

Bristol has an active and large interdisciplinary AMR research network, initiated largely by the EPSRC-funded BristolBridge ’Bridging the Gaps between the physical sciences and engineering and AMR’ network project, led by Professor Adrian Mulholland (School of Chemistry). BristolBridge was funded for two years (2015 -17) and during that time it:

  • Built a network of over 200 researchers from 5 of our 6 faculties, two NHS trusts, the GW4 and AMR investigators in low to middle income countries (LMICs) – the latter nucleated by a week-long series of AMR workshops in our ‘Bristol Tackles Global Challenges’ week
  • Funded 17 pump-priming research projects including one which led to a patent and a University of Bristol spin out company - Vitamica Ltd.
  • Leveraged £3.8m in follow-on funds including funding from UKRI, Innovate UK and the Longitude Prize
  • Trained engineering and physical science postdoctoral researchers and PhD students in practical microbiology techniques
  • Funded and undertook public engagement activities including a south west Schools Conference on AMR; consultants for Sara Kenney’s Surgeon X AMR comic, including the Surgeon X Special ‘Trial and Error’
A group shot of participants in the AMR World Cafe workshop
Image credit: BristolBridge
A group of participants in discussion around a table during the World Cafe AMR workshop
Image credit: BristolBridge
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