1975 Medics' 50th Anniversary Reunion

23 May 2025, 6.00 PM - 24 May 2025, 10.00 PM

Bristol, Various Locations

Medics who began their studies at the University in 1970 and those who graduated in 1975, are invited to celebrate their 50th Anniversary next May 2025 in Bristol.  

Organisers Terry Kemple and David Kershaw (MBChB 1975) have already begun planning events and activities... 

Programme (still to be confirmed) 

Friday 23 May, 6 pm – 9 pm 

  • Informal reception at the Royal West of England Academy. 

The organisers are hoping to organise a Zoom call during the reception to include those who are unable to attend.  

Saturday 24 May 

  • Tour of the Medical School. 
  • Meet and greet with current medical students to exchange experiences and wisdom. 
  • Tour of the Will’s Memorial Building and tower 
  • Tour of University of Bristol Botanic Garden. 
  • A trip on The Matthew (replica of John Cabot’s ship to America) and a guided walk around Bristol 
  • Dinner at Browns Restaurant, 7 pm. 

Booking and contact 

To RSVP and stay up to date with the reunion plans, please email Terry Kemple at tjkemple@gmail.com  Terry can also add you to the WhatsApp group.   

You can also join their Facebook group.   

Next steps 

The University’s Alumni Association Committee have awarded the organisers an Alumni Association Initiative Grant of £1000.  

The grant will be used towards funding these activities and producing a Yearbook which will contain stories, experiences and learning from a life career in medicine and be shared with current students. 

To help make this reunion a success, the organisers are asking that you: 

  • Make contact with as many 1970 starters and 1975 finishers as possible and ask them to join the WhatsApp group and/or email tjkemple@gmail.com. 
  • Let them know your ideas for the Yearbook and activities for the reunion weekend. 
  • Let them know if you have time and want to volunteer to help in some way. 

Do you have a great idea to bring together the alumni community? You can apply here for a grant to get your plans off the ground. 


When you join us at an event, the organisers share this information with the University alumni team for their records. This will be stored confidentially within the alumni database. This won't change how the University contacts you, but you can manage this at any time by emailing the team at alumni@bristol.ac.uk, or phoning them on 0117 394 1046.  

You can find out more here: www.bristol.ac.uk/alumni-your-data. 

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