London Branch Annual Lecture with Misha Glenny & AGM

8 November 2024, 6.00 PM - 8 November 2024, 9.00 PM

Bridewell Hall, St Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 8EQ

Alumni and friends are invited to join the London Branch of University of Bristol Alumni for their annual lecture which will be given by Misha Glenny (BA Drama and German 1980), broadcaster, author and Rector of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, Austria.  

The lecture will be followed by a short Annual General Meeting of the London Branch and a networking reception with refreshments where you can mingle with fellow alumni. 

Misha Glenny is an award-winning journalist who made a name for himself as the BBC’s Central Europe Correspondent covering the 1989 revolutions and the wars in the former Yugoslavia. He has a Sony Gold Award for Outstanding Contribution to Broadcasting and has won BT’s Information Security Journalist of The Year.  

He is regularly consulted on transnational organised crime and cyber security by governments and law enforcement agencies in Europe and the Americas on the Balkans and Eastern Europe. He is also a regular contributor to major publications in Europe, North America and Japan. 

Misha Glenny will be presenting on the intriguing topic: "Are we living in the 1930s? Or something else?" Drawing on recent events, this promises to be an insightful and engaging lecture that you won't want to miss. 


Tickets cost £70 or £50 for recent graduates (graduated since 2014). Drinks and canapés are included.  

Visit Ticket Tailor to book your tickets. 


The nearest tube stations are St Paul’s and Blackfriars. 


This event is organised by the University in partnership with volunteers from the London Branch of the University of Bristol Alumni Network. 

If you have questions about this event, contact 


The Alumni Association Committee are proud to support this Global Gathering by awarding the organisers a grant.   

Do you have a great idea to bring together alumni community? You can apply for an Alumni Association Initiative Grant at any time to get your plans off the ground 


When you join us at an event, the London Branch share this information with the University alumni team for their records. This will be stored confidentially within the alumni database. This won't change how the University contacts you, but you can change this at any time by emailing the team at, or phoning them on 0117 394 1046.  

You can find out more here: 

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