Quantalk Event

5 July 2024, 1.00 PM - 5 July 2024, 3.30 PM

Judge panellists are Dr Carrie Weidner, Dr Caroline Clark, and Dr Jorge Barreto.

Tyndall Lecture Theatre, Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Ave, Bristol BS8 1TL

You are invited to join us at the Quantalk Finals! Join us at Tyndall Lecture Theatre in Wills Physics Laboratory. Get ready to witness sixth-formers from around Bristol battle it out for the championship. It's an afternoon of mind-bending discussions, ground breaking research, and intense competition. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the quantum conversation. See you there!

Bristol PhD students have mentored students across the city to research and write talks on quantum physics. The best have been invited to speak at the university for the final round. The talks will be judged by a panel including Dr Carrie Weidner, Dr Caroline Clark, and Dr Jorge Barreto.

Who will be crowned champion?

Contact information

For more information, please contact qe-quantalk-project@bristol.ac.uk

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