Bristol Global Gathering - Damascus Nights

2 November 2024, 10.00 AM - 2 November 2024, 12.00 PM

Damascus Nights restaurant - 37 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QD

Celebrate our week of Global Gatherings this November at a weekend breakfast in Bristol. 

Join Jehad Alrefaie (MSc 2023) and Tarun Maddila (MSc 2023) at Damascus Nights in Stokes Croft from 10 am on Saturday 2 November. Connect with fellow alumni over light group games, and meet new friends and old. 


Secure your place via Eventbrite.  

Your name and email address will be shared with your alumni host, along with the name and email of your guest if you are bringing one. We will also share details of any dietary or access requirements. This information will only be used for the purposes of delivering this Global Gathering. 


This Global Gathering is being supported by a small grant from the Alumni Association Committee. Drinks and food will be at your own cost but, with the grant, attendees should expect to spend around £10.  

Contact information 

Please get in touch with Jehad if you have any questions about the event. 


The Alumni Association Committee are proud to support this Global Gathering by awarding the organisers a grant.  

Do you have a great idea to bring together alumni community? You can apply for an Alumni Association Initiative Grant at any time to get your plans off the ground. 

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