Festival of Economics

1 October 2024, 10.30 AM - 3 October 2024, 8.00 PM

Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building, Wills Memorial Building, Queen's Road, Bristol, BS8 1RJ

The Festival of Economics is a three-day event with panels, book talks and live podcast recordings. 

It brings together academic experts, journalists, practitioners and policymakers to discuss and debate the most pressing economic questions of today with university students, school pupils and members of the public. 

Click here for the full programme and to book tickets.  
Group bookings 
For discounted group bookings of over 10 people, please contact economicsobservatory@bristol.ac.uk



  • Watershed’s main entrance and Box Office are both on the ground floor which is accessible via a ramped, electronically assisted entrance door. 
  • There are two Blue Badge parking spaces to the rear of Watershed on Canons Road. 
  • Guide dogs and hearing dogs are very welcome. 
  • The first floor of Watershed is accessible via lift from the main entrance and includes level access to all areas, including the cinemas and event spaces. 
  • The cinemas and event spaces have induction loops. 
  • There is an accessible toilet (with baby changing facilities) near Cinema 1. Follow the signs for the Cinemas and the accessible toilet is just on your left through the double doors before Cinema 1. 
  • There are gender-neutral toilets in the cinema corridor on the first floor. 

Visit Watershed’s Access page for more information. 

Wills Memorial Building 

  • There is ramped/sloped access at the entrance on Park Street. 
  • The main door opens automatically (towards you), and the width of the door opening is 100cm. 

Visit the Wills Memorial Building AccessAble page for more information. 

Contact Information
For any enquiries, please get in touch with the organisers at economicsobservatory@bristol.ac.uk

The Festival of Economics is a Bristol Ideas legacy event and is presented with their support. 

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