Contractor parking at our residences
Contractor vehicles are only permitted to park in the University Residences car parks if the vehicle is authorised by a valid Contractor Parking Permit or the driver has purchased a Visitor Voucher via the dial-to-park system located in each car park.
Contractors may apply for a number of Permits by registering for a Contractor account and applying via our online system PermitSmarti.
Contractor Permits are valid across the below Residences at a cost of £225.50 per annum, per vehicle:
- Badock Hall
- Churchill Hall
- Clifton Hill House
- Durdham Hall
- Goldney Hall
- Hiatt Baker Hall
- Manor Hall and Annexes
- University Hall
- Wills Hall
Contractor Permit holders are subject to the same Terms & Conditions as all other users of the Residences Car Parks, failure to adhere to the Terms displayed within each car park may lead to the receipt of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN).
Contractor Permits can now be applied for throughout the year and are available in the following fixed periods:
Annual: 19 September 2024 to 18 September 2025.
Spring/Summer: 3 January 2025 to 18 September 2025.
Summer: 28 April 2025 to 18 September 2025.
A discount is applied to these at termly intervals.
Eligibility and Parking Restrictions
A Contractor is a Visitor who has been contracted by the University to provide a service and requires a vehicle to carry out their duties. Only University Contractors that are judged to require the use of a Residences Contractor Permit may park at the University Residences.
Contractors may only park in unmarked parking spaces and are not permitted to park in designated Disabled or Departmental car parking spaces.