Accommodation guarantee
Find out if you are eligible for our accommodation guarantee and what it means if you do not meet the terms.
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The University of Bristol is not able to offer accommodation to all incoming students. We have an accommodation guarantee in place to define which students are eligible for a guaranteed offer of accommodation.
Our accommodation guarantee
We guarantee an offer of University-allocated accommodation to students who apply for accommodation by 30 June 2024 and are a:
- foundation year student
- undergraduate student in first year of study
- postgraduate student in first year of study who will be paying fees at the overseas rate
Study Abroad exchange student from institutions outside Europe arriving in September
- Study abroad non-exchange student from institutions anywhere in the world arriving in September
- International Foundation Programme student
- intercalator joining an undergraduate course
- intercalator joining a postgraduate course (paying tuition fees at the overseas rate)
- Aerosol Science PhD student.
You must also:
- firmly accept your offer of study and put Bristol as your first choice
- be a new full-time student, coming to study at Bristol for the first time
- apply for accommodation by 30 June 2024
- accept your offer of accommodation by the deadline
- start your studies at the University by 1 November 2024
- be unaccompanied (this means you are coming without dependent family members, spouses, or partners).
To fulfil our guarantee, we may offer you a room that is not in our advertised residences.
Non-guaranteed applications
If you do not meet the terms of the guarantee, you are a non-guaranteed applicant. This includes students who:
- miss the guarantee deadline
- miss their offer-acceptance deadline
- have not firmly accepted their offer of study at Bristol by 30 June 2024
- are Clearing or insurance applicants
- are postgraduates paying tuition fees at the home rate
- are intercalators joining a postgraduate course (and paying tuition fees at the home rate)
- are Study Abroad exchange students from institutions within Europe
- are Study Abroad exchange students from institutions outside Europe arriving in January
- are coming to Bristol with a family or dependants
- have previously studied at the University of Bristol, for any length of time either online or in person (if this applies to you, you will only be eligible to apply in our returner application and not the main round of applications)
- have previously moved into University-allocated accommodation, for any length of time (if this applies to you, for example, because you suspended your studies, you will only be eligible to apply in our returner application and not the main round of applications).
Non-guaranteed applicants can apply for any remaining spaces in residences in the second round of applications. Find out when non-guaranteed applicants can apply.
We advise that students applying in this round of applications should also look for accommodation in the private sector alongside their application.