Types of Sentence

sentence is a unit of language consisting of more than one word that is grammatically linked. A sentence must contain a main clause, which is typically made up of a subject and a verband it may also contain an object or a complement. A main clause may also be linked to another clause by a conjunction.

Sentences can be classified according to their structure. There are broadly four types of sentence in English:

  1. Simple sentences - a sentence made up of a single main clause.
    • Individual responsibility for education is emphasised over education as a public good.
    • As a result, the international student experience has been criticised as undemocratic and lacking transparency.
  2. Compound sentences - a sentence made up of two main clauses and connected with a coordinating conjunction.
    • Philosophy is important and it has a causal efficacy on policy and practice. (two main clauses connected with the coordinating conjunction and)
    • International students encounter new freedoms and opportunities but they also come across new constraints.
  3. Complex sentences - a sentence made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause, connected with a subordinating conjunction.
    • A neoliberal philosophy has resulted in a global education system, which is characterised by high student fees and the presence of for-profit providers. (one main clause connected to a subordinate clause, in this case a relative clause, with the subordinating conjunction which)
    • Archer (2003) argues that both structure and agency are interdependent. (a that clause)
  4. Complex-compound sentences - a combination of a compound and one or more complex sentences.
    • The international student experience represents a significant change in social structure as participants travel long distances and international students may be distanced from existing networks. (a main clause linked to a subordinate clause with the subordinating conjunction as, connected to a main clause with the coordinating conjunction and)

Coordinating Conjunctions

A coordinating conjunction links together two main clauses:

  • for
  • and
  • nor
  • but
  • or
  • yet
  • so

Subordinating Conjunctions

A subordinating conjunction links a main clause to a subordinate clause:

  •  whlle
  • as
  • although
  • whereas
  • if
  • as soon as
  • before
  • in order to

Some prepositions can be used as subordinating conjunctions (followed by an -ing clause or a noun).

  • You can apply for university by completing a UCAS form online. (by + -ing)
  • Solar sensors will measure the light intensity around the Sun due to scattering by aerosols in the atmosphere. (due to + -ing)
  • Despite the Luftwaffe's around-the-clock bombing of Malta, the Axis supply convoys to North Africa had been cut to pieces. (despite + -ing)
Test Yourself 1

Click the best description of the sentence

With a population of 38,000, Dumfries is big enough to enjoy city-like facilities, yet remains small enough to retain a friendly ambiance.





Hydropower and fish farm abstractions from rivers, although not causing an overall loss of water from the system, can create deprived reaches.





His first job as a minister in Washington, D.C. was short-lived because his abolitionist views clashed with those of his congregation.





A new social structure emerges, which is marked by a change in social status, and accepted differences between individuals, such as race or gender, are de-emphasised or ignored.





Test Yourself 2

Complete the sentences with the correct conjunction

That event has attracted a host of well-known academics  to the university's reputation in industry.

He has abdicated Government here,   declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

The activated tyrosine kinase tells the cancer cells to grow and divide   they keep making new cells.

Some causes are mainly unilateral   others like vitamin A deficiency are often bilateral.


The clarity of the recording is simply marvellous,   there is enough ambient warmth to reflect the humanity of Williams ' music.