Rotating Pitch So, Ultimate Frisbee...
What's it all about?

Think of it as a cross between American Football, Netball and Basketball... with a Frisbee.

The Principal, is that to score you must catch the Frisbee (or "disc") in the opposing endzone to score a goal.

Play is initiated by the team that either scored last, or the team chosen to start that half, by throwing a long throw, deep into the oppositions half ("the pull"). The receiving team then endeavours to pass the disc between themselves, gradually working their way up the pitch till they score. When in possession of the disc, a player must establish a pivot foot (usually their left foot if they are right-handed), which must stay in the same position while the player pivots around it to gain extra space for their throw.

The player with the disc is usually marked my a defender, who will call the stall count (counting from 1 to 10 about every second). When this stall count reaches 10, "stall out" is called, and the possession of the disc changes to the other team.

The sport is non-contact and so the only way for the possession to change hands is by either stalling out, throwing the disc to the floor, a receiver dropping the disc, or by the defending team intercepting the disc.

Ultimate Frisbee can be played outdoors (7 players a side, stall out at 10), indoors (5 players a side, stall out at 8), or even on the beach (4 or 5 players a side, stall out at 6 or 10). Games are usually played first to a pre-specified amount (usually about 13), however if time runs out (any time from 45mins to 90mins), two points are hypothetically added to the leading team's score, and both teams then play first to that amount.

One of the main unique things about this sport is the lack of any referee or umpire. A large emphasis is placed on the spirit of the game, and so players are expected to own up when committing a foul. It is common for teams to play games or "calls" after matches at tournaments to keep spirits high. These games can range from static bobsleighs, to wacky variations on the rock-paper-scissor game, to finger lightsabre fights, and even to weird ice cream eating races.


First things first, we also have a facebook page if you want to keep up to date with the chat.



Skills and Drills: Fitness Training: General Links:
And some less useful links but fun all the same (not supported by Mythago)...
Layout Ultimate 2006, now with Multiplayer! (courtesy of Dave Gresham)

The St. Andrews Play (courtesy of Dave Gresham)