[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] University of Bristol Explorers Club [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Cornwall Weekend – May 2000

A weekend of Sun, Sand, Cornish Pasties and monkeys. The air in our nice little campsite even smelt Cornish. Not long after arriving and setting up tent Mr Towner the younger got us lost on the way to the pub (which was only a couple of yards away and in plain sight of the tents). When we finally got to the pub we found a highly feminine pool table (very, very erratic) and played into the night.

The next morning my group set off on a "walk" that involved mainly sitting on the beach or playing frisbee. We strolled through the nearby town of Looe purchasing Corninsh Pasties and a RED frisbee and then spent most of the day on the beach.

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One of the more strenuous walks

That night we played eurovision song contest sweepstake in the pub and Sam fixed it so he would win...

The next day I lead a walk promising ham shops, Blue frisbies, monkeys and nudists. Walking from the campsite we quickly found ....a ham shop. After buying the blue frisbee we proceded to the monkey sanctuary. There I spent an hour with hairy and excitable beasts. And the monkeys weren't bad either.

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Spot the difference Picture 2

After the monkeys we ambled on to a beach, where some of us played frisbee in the waves while others just went to sleep.

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Dave plays "fetch" with richard


Afterwards we all met up and ate fish and chips in Plymouth while watching the boats sail by.

All photos by Dave Baxter
Writing by Dave Baxter

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