[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] University of Bristol Explorers Club [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Waterfalls, Sunday 5 October

“Over, under and behind”

Our taster walks this year:

walk photo

This is a minibus/car walk. Due to limited spaces, there is a strict sign-up policy:

  • You must be a club member to come on this walk (insurance). Join at our union page.
  • E-mail rhodri@explorersclub.co.uk to sign up.
  • The cost of the trip is £10 which you have to pay in advance to reserve your place. Either meet us on Tuesday, 1–2pm at the White Harte or Wednesday, 12–1pm in the MVB Atrium (look for David at a table with a map).
  • Payment is final. If you need to drop out, contact us as soon as possible. We can only give refunds if we can find someone else to take your place; we usually do have a reserve list.
  • There will be uneven terrain, hills and waterfalls—hiking boots strongly recommended! They will get wet.

Please join our mailing list by contacting secretary@explorersclub.co.uk, sign-up information will be sent out at the start of the week. If you have join the club we'll add you under the address you provided.

You will need: bottle of water, packed lunch, jacket (waterfalls are wet!). We recommend hiking boots for this walk; we won't turn anyone away in normal shoes but they may get wet and muddy.

suitable for everyone

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