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Archive - Autumn 2002 Events Programme

(Click here to see the current programme.)

  • For conservation work you'll need: packed lunch, mug, waterproofs and strong shoes/boots
  • If you want to sign up for any of the events below then contact Ally (as0466)
  • Don't forget beer money!

Here's the programme for the term:

Sunday 6th October Cadbury Camp
Scrub bashing
Monday 7th October Intro Social
Meet in the Epi from 8pm
Sunday 13th October Midger Wood
Tuesday 15th October Clifton Pub Crawl!
Meet in the Cori Tap at 7:30pm, or outside the Union at 7:15pm for the legendary Conservation Clifton Pub Crawl! Also featuring:
  • The Albion
  • Clifton Wine Bar
  • The Richmond Springs.
Just beware of the Exhibition Cider...
Tuesday 22nd October Beers in the Penny Farthing
A quiet few beers/other drinks from 8:30pm onwards - just turn up! If you don't know where the Penny Farthing is see the pub guide!
Sat/Sun 26/27th October Weekend Trip to Alfrick, Worcs.
Fantastic weekend away in Alfrick, staying in the Village Hall and helping on a near-by nature reserve. Lots of nice food and beer sampled too! See the pictures from last year...
Thursday 31st October Halloween Night
Scary fun (no really!) planned at Mary's house (dinner that is) followed by trip to pub.
Sunday 10th November Dolebury Warren
We will be cutting down evil spiky bushes and a few bigger tree-like things. Then we will have a big fire and burn them all. Yay! Of course, a fire means jacket potatos and marshmallows! Even better!
Wednesday 13th November Gloucester Road Pub Crawl - 8pm onwards
The best place in Bristol for a pub crawl - 10 pubs in one stretch of road! Probable stops could include Goose at the Flyer, Forester's Arms, Hobgoblin, Prince of Wales Hogshead and maybe if anyone's sober enough to get there the Cat and Wheel!

See their reviews on the pub guide

Sunday 17th November Ravensroost
Woodland management
Wednesday 20th November The Smiles Brewery Tour
The most famous social of them all... For just £9.50 you get a full brewery tour, a buffet meal and loads of beer. Hugely successful last year, places are restricted so email Mary if you want to go.
Sunday 24th November Lower Woods
National Tree Week - Details T.B.A.
Saturday 30th November Tony and Allys' birthday bash.
A double birthday disco is going down in the Joint Social Club, just behind the old Chemistry building. Bar is open til 12am, with nibbles too, so bring a friend!...

In case you don't know how to get there, take the little road oposite the main entrance to MVB, bear right round the new building, and carry on to the end of the road, it's the last building on the right. Or call Tony (07876 682013), and he'll explian it again!

Sunday 8th December Distillery Meadows
Hedge management - We'll be destroying evil spiky stuff that shouldn't be there.
Monday 9th December Christmas Cocktail Party - Mary's Flat
The amazing cocktail party will take place again... we'll be mixing up a load of cocktails, (Anyone for a slippery slasher?!) and the lucky pressent dip will take place again - bring something costing less than four quid (booze, toys, underwear, conservation tools - anything goes...) chuck it in the box then pick out something else!

There will be a charge of £5 to cover the booze - a bargain compared to the £15 dinners other societies have, so come along! Email Mary if you're up for it!

Pick-up is from the Union, University Hall and Cheltenham Road/The Arches.

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