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Things not to do at conservation

Thanks to James for this contribution...

"Things not to do at conservation (cos you might injure someone and that would be a bad thing)"

  1. Using an axe to cause wood chips to fly all over the place, generally annoying people.
  2. Throwing the hatchet into trees like a tomahawk.
  3. Pretending the billhook is really an axe.
  4. Seeing how fast people run when a tree falls towards them.
  5. Generally throwing trees at people.
  6. Laughing when the tree falls the wrong way.
  7. Annoying reserve wardens by redefining the size of a 'bush'
  8. Accidentally chopping down rare trees (whoops - it did look rotten).
  9. Using the 'rotten' excuse to chop down anything in sight.
  10. Using the slasher like an axe.
  11. Accidentally letting the bonfire get out of control.
  12. Placing highly flamable materials on above mentioned bonfire.
  13. Covering a cliff with trees.
  14. Stacking chopped stuff where 'the rare flowers grow'
  15. Using the 'its leaning dangerously' excuse to chop down anything.
  16. Taking an hour to do a tree felling demo, because you chose a massive oak tree.
  17. Showing off by carrying big a tree, then dropping it on your foot
  18. Annoying people with stories of silly things you've done.

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