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Trail clearance
at Landcross, North Devon

25 - 27 February 2000

We had a successful trip to North Devon, where we stayed in a massive village hall in Merton and Alastair got to drive the minbus down a disused railway to our work site. Our job was to partially clear a cutting to let more light onto the Tarka Trail and also to provide a good habitat for dormice.

Our half million pound accommodation in a small village. There was also a top-notch pub down the road.

Unwinding in the skittle alley (sleeping area).

Breakfast - nothing funny going on here I'm afraid!

People out for a quiet weekend stroll were given ample warning about our activities down the track.

Alastair adopts the SAS style of pruning brambles!

Coppicing is so much fun that no-one minds the rain. Much.

Photos from Tim

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