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Path clearance
at Ravenshill Wood, Worcs

18 - 19 November 2000

This was our third visit in as many years to Ravenshill Wood near Worcester. As before we stayed in the village hall at nearby Alfrick and worked on the privately owned reserve for Trevor and Annette Smart.
This time we cleared the undergrowth back from some paths to open them up whilst our resident navvies contented themselves with ditch digging! As well as being spoiled with Annette's hot lunches we also managed to cook for ourselves (with the aid of alcohol located by Luis) before heading off to the pub...

Alison and Debbie try to pretend they aren't
enjoying the wholesale destruction of the wood.
An industrious scene looking up the path.
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Chris takes his turn at 'grating' economy cheese
with a slotted spoon!
Everyone tucks in to a healthy meal of beer and cider
(and, being students, accompanied by some pasta).
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Tom attempts to suppress the singing duck whilst
we pose for a group photo in the pub.
Laying down trimmings on the path to make it less
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Beth's continual pleas to feature in lots of photos
eventually pay off!
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Photos supplied by Alison.

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