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Leaving home for the first time
Leaving home is a big step. It can be exciting and scary.
But most people who choose to leave home enjoy the freedom it gives them.
Alison Cowen and Monica McCaffrey talked to lots of people with learning difficulties about leaving home. They found that:
People often have mixed feeling about leaving home. You might be excited about moving. But at the same time you might be worried about the new place, or about missing your family.
  If you decide to leave home there are lots of things to think about. It is important to think carefully about where to live and who to live with. Finding the right place to live takes a lot of time and energy.
When you leave home you will probably meet lots of new people. It often takes time to get to know new people and to trust them. But it can mean that you have more friends and a busier social life.
Leaving home is a chance to learn new skills and do new things. Most people who leave home enjoy making their own decisions and being more independent.