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Part b  

Crime and abuse

Chris Williams wanted to find out about crime and abuse against people with learning difficulties. People told Chris what happened to them. He found out that:

picture of a thief stealing a wallet

Many people with learning difficulties do not know what crime is.

Crime is when a person does something very bad that is against the law.

Murder, rape, stealing, and hitting someone are all crimes.

Often staff don't help people with learning difficulties to report crime

Abuse is when a person does something that hurts someone else. But it might not be against the law.

Sometimes the police do nothing about crime and abuse against people with learning difficulties.

Calling people names, not letting people have the meals they need, making fun of people are all abuse.

Victims are people who suffer crime or abuse.
Victims with learning difficulties do not always get justice in court. Justice means getting what is fair.

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