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Issue 32     

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Keeping and enjoying your job

Everyone feels happy and makes more choices when they have a job. But people with learning difficulties, and other disabled people, can find it hard to get and keep paid work. Many disabled people are not in work.


Breakthrough is an organisation of disabled people which helps them get skills and work. Researchers at Breakthrough talked with disabled people. They asked people about how they keep a job, and what helps them to enjoy it.

This is what they found out:

bullet point There are lots of ways for disabled workers to keep a job
bullet point There are lots of ways to enjoy work
bullet point Most disabled workers tell someone if they are unhappy at work
bullet point Sometimes people need to ask for more help at work. They get support from a friend or advocate to do this
bullet point It is important to be open and honest about your support needs
bullet point It is important to know your rights

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