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Issue 21     

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Better supported employment

Lots of people with learning difficulties want a job. Some people need help to get a job. Supported employment is when you get the help you need to get and keep a real job. Plain Facts 5 tells you more about supported employment.

A group of people got together to find out the kinds of problems people have with getting jobs. They were called the Policy Consortium for Supported Employment.

They wanted to find out if people had any ideas for making things better. They made a plan for everyone to get the support they need to have a real job.

The Consortium found:

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Supported employment can work well.

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Lots of people still do not get a chance to try supported employment.

bullet point Some supported employment is not very good.
bullet point There are lots of problems with getting the money to pay for supported employment.
bullet point When people work they can have big problems with benefits.
bullet point There were lots of ideas about how to tackle these problems.


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