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Issue 18     

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Independence for young
black disabled people

Independence means making your own choices.

It means speaking up for yourself.

It means doing things for yourself (but with the support you need).

Tracey Bignall and Jabeer Butt talked to young black disabled people to find out what they thought about independence.

They found out:

picture of a job centre
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It is good to be independent. You are in charge of what you want to do. You make your own choices.

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You can be independent in different ways. You can be independent if you live with your family. Or you can be independent if you live on your own.

bullet point There are some things that make it hard for you to be independent. People might not treat you fairly. Your family might not let you do things for yourself. You might be lonely and not know how to meet other people.
bullet point There are some things that help you to be independent. You can get training to do things for yourself. You can meet other young black people and be proud of yourself.
bullet point Many young people made plans for the future. Some wanted to get a job. Others wanted to get married.

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