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Issue 07     

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Choosing Staff

Some people with learning difficulties are now helping to choose the staff who work with them.

Ruth Townsley and Margaret Macadam talked to lots of different people around the country to find out what they were doing.

This Plain Facts tells you about some of the things they found out.

picture of a person making a choice about staff
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There is more to choosing staff than just asking questions, or interviewing people.

bullet point But most people with learning difficulties who were involved in choosing staff were just doing interviewing.
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Some staff thought that people with learning difficulties could not help to choose staff because it was too difficult, or because they would not keep things secret.

bullet point But with support, training and lots of practice, people can choose their workers, and they can do it well.
bullet point People with learning difficulties can often find out lots of important things about new workers.
bullet point This means that if they are involved in choosing staff, then the best person really will get the job.

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