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Copying to WORD
To export data in an ACCESS table to a WORD document, select the rows containing the data then copy it as in WORD (Ctrl+V or copy button). Use Alt +Tab to move to WORD. Open the file into which you want to put the data. Use Ctrl + V or the past button to insert it. In ACCESS v. 2.0 it would be inserted as a table with the fields as column headings. Once the data is in WORD, highlight it the select Table/Convert text to table from the main tool bar.

Copying to and from EXCEL
Data can be copied from an EXCEL spreadsheet into an ACCESS database table quite easily. From within ACCESS:

Data can also be copied from ACCESS to EXCEL:

Importing within ACCESS
Data can also be moved from one file to another within ACCESS very easily:

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These pages are maintained and owned by Dr Roger Middleton

(c)R. Middleton 1997. Last modified 30 June 1998.