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DBMS: Structure and terminology 



The database is made up of ‘records’ each of which contain different categories of information called ‘fields’. For example, a database containing student details would contain a ‘record’ for each student which included ‘fields’ such as name, address, courses taken and exam results. Each record in the database is unique. The records are stored in a ‘table’: each row contains information about one record and each column contains one field of information. For example, in the table below each row contains a film which is one, unique record, and each column contains details of a particular aspect of that film (fields).



Date of Release



Gone with the Wind 

Victor Fleming



David O. Selznick

Richard III

Laurence Olivier



Laurence Olivier


Clint Eastwood



Clint Eastwood

The Name of the Rose

Rose Jean-Jacques Annard



Bernd Eichinger

White Christmas

Micheal Curtiz



Robert Emmett Dolan

It is the fields which enable you to interrogate and analyse a database. For example, one could use the above database to search for all films produced or directed by a particular individual or in a particular year. In order to search for films in which a particular actor starred, you would need to add a further field or table containing that information and which had a common field with this table.

A database compiled from a number of tables whose fields can be linked is called a ‘relational database’. For example, if you had a database containing a table as above and another table containing details of actors in each film, you could link the tables and search for films in a particular year with a particular actor, or search for films where an actor worked with a particular director. The more complex or comprehensive the database, the more complex and interesting are the analytical questions which can be asked of it. Most modern DBMSs are relational.

A DBMS therefore enables you to store large quantities of information in such a way that they can be managed and accessed easily. It is also a very flexible way of storing data which can be easily updated. In addition, the DBMS can perform basic calculations on a database containing figures.

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(c)R. Middleton 1997. Last modified 30 June 1998.