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The objective of this week is to be able to:

As for last week's introductory exercises.
The department's style guide and study skills guide.

Exercise and Assignment
There is considerable flexibility here about the work that can be submitted for this assignment. The following are acceptable:

Your document must incorporate all of the following features to a satisfactory standard:

FINALLY, your assignment is to deposit your backup floppy disk (just the disk, not in its box) so that your progress can be assessed. Please make sure that you get your disk to Roger Middleton's pigeonhole on time and that it is properly labeled, both electronically and with the sticky label on the disk. Assuming that your assignment passes you will be able to collect it the following Monday from the same place.

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To Department of Historical Studies home page.

These pages are maintained and owned by Dr Roger Middleton

(c)R. Middleton 1997. Last modified 4 September 2000.