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COMPUTING RESOURCES                    


Faculty of Arts Laboratories
Details of the three faculty facilities as follows:

Arts and Social Sciences Libraries
There are now 17 PCs available for public use in the catalogue hall. WORD and EXCEL, NETSCAPE, e-mail and telnet are available on the majority of these. See the Library's web site for further details.

Open Learning Centre
This provides self-paced learning-materials where you can learn IT skills in your own speed and at your own time. It is located at the far end of the ground floor of the Arts and Social Sciences Library. See their OLC web site for further details.

Computing Service
The Computing Service terminal room (Computing Service building, first floor) has the largest collection of open-access PCs in the university; details of Computing Service facilities from its home page.

Halls of residence
Many of these now have computer rooms and web pages.

To IT-MA home page
To Department of Historical Studies home page.

These pages are maintained and owned by Dr Roger Middleton

(c)R. Middleton 1997. Last Modified 29 June 1998.