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GETTING HELP                                       


Defining your problem
Before asking for help you are reminded to first:

If you are still having problems, before choosing where to find assistance, think about the nature of your problem.

If none of these, where next?

If your problem falls into none of the above categories, or is not soluble by your own efforts, your next step is to consider:

If none of the above is relevant, available when you need it, or able to address the problem you will have to wait until the next workshop.

Those you must not contact
In seeking a solution to your problems do not disturb the secretaries in the departmental office, and this includes asking for the keypad code because they do not have such information.

Avoiding having to ask for help
In our experience the two major problems encountered are:

To  IT-MA home page
To Department of Historical Studies home page.

These pages are maintained and owned by Dr Roger Middleton

(c)R. Middleton 1997.    Last Modified 4 September 2000.