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The notes, instructions and all of the assignments for IT-MA assume that you are using the university's mainstream PC laboratories which are equipped with WINDOWS NT v4.0 and the relevant generation of 32 bit applications software contained in Microsoft OFFICE97 (eg. WORD97, EXCEL97, ACCESS97 etc). Neither the university computing service nor the Department of Historical Studies are routinely equipped with hardware running WINDOWS 2000 or the applications software contained in OFFICE 2000 (e.g. WORD2000 etc). Whilst we recognize that many of you will have PCs, or access to PCs, with these later versions of WINDOWS we are not able to accept any assignment from a student which does not use the OFFICE97 (or earlier WINDOWS v.3.1) versions of software. Thus anybody submitting an assignment which uses a higher version of WINDOWS will automatically have their assignment failed and will need to resubmit it to the appropriate format. We apologize in advance for having to be hardline on this but we do not have the facilities nor the time to be able to accommodate assignments which are submitted other than to the software we are forced to use by the university.


In practice this should not cause too many problems as the WORD, EXCEL and ACCESS versions for WINDOWS 2000 all provide a means to save files to the older format. Typically, this is achieved through the File/Save As function where you are offered a choice of type to save as. Thus, for example, in EXCEL 2000 you are offered the choice to save a file to EXCEL v.5/97 format.


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These pages are maintained and owned by Dr Roger Middleton

(c)R. Middleton 1997. Last Modified 4 September 2000.