Aims of the Course

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Aims of the Course
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Aims of the Course

The unit examines the present and historical position of deaf people within society as a whole.  As a starting point it considers the medical, educational and religious models of deafness which have been used to characterise deaf people.  The Unit considers the structures and pattern of interaction of deaf people which has emerged to a large extent as a result of this control by hearing people.  The substance of the unit is the discussion of how these models do or do not apply today. 

Specific Objectives include:

  1. To examine the situation of the deaf community in the context of hearing society in the new millennium.
  2. To offer insights which will be of direct relevance to the application of professional practice.
  3. To develop a model of social pressures and priorities which is of value to our understanding of the position of deaf people in society.

There are three parts to the unit:

Part 1: The Medical View of Deaf People

Part 2: The Deaf Community and what Deaf People think of it

Part 3: How can Deaf and Hearing People work together?

The course is copyright
to the Centre for Deaf Studies and the Lecturers named above
and should not be used for any other purpose than personal study.
© 2000

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This page was last modified January 11, 2000