Session 14:  Is there a future in DeafHood?

In this session, we try to summarise and conclude.   The situation is complex.  Deaf People at the beginning of the 21st century are much better off materially (at least in the UK) than deaf people were in the past.  They are more accepted, have a higher public profile and are much more likely to have services available. So how can we describe them and how do we envisage the future?  How do we tackle the outward features of poor education, low socio-economic status with the knowledge of oppression and language which we now have.  Can we really create a new image of deaf people in society which does not seek medical or educational resolution.  Can deaf people themselves ever develop the confidence to create their own society?   Will they ever really believe that they are a linguistic minority?

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This page was last modified January 26, 2000