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Language is Power
Freire says
Re deaf people
Lessons for BSL
Education as the key
No Help?

Dependence on one another

Just as there is an oppressive relation between the two parties, the oppressor relies on the existence of the relationship to justify his actions.  So there is a circle.  Oppression happens because one group dominates the other;  but the dominating group cannot be in the top position without the existence of the other group;   and this cannot occur unless the oppressed group in some way accepts the position.  To that extent the oppressed needs the oppressor and the circle is complete.

In deafness, hearing people cannot help deaf people unless they need help.  But to ensure that they need help, they have to be labelled as needing help.  A whole assessment procedure builds up to justify the assessment and the deaf person (or his parents) accept the creating of the label.  In order for the deaf person to survive, he or she has then to accept the help.  If the help is rejected the circle is broken, but the rejection, brings a further label and greater sanctions until the deaf person has to accept a different form of help.

The hearing person cannot get out of this situation because their job and existence is devoted to this circle of dependence.   Their importance is derived from the situation of the dependent person.  So often the hearing professional has to define his or her importance by the extent of the problem or by the incidence of it.  So the hearing person has to have so many deaf people to look after, or people with such and such a very serious problem.

We can see how the two parties are linked together.

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to the Centre for Deaf Studies and the Lecturers named above
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This page was last modified January 26, 2000