
1. "Synthesis of Isotopically Labelled 3-Amino-2-Phenylpropionic Acid and its Role as a Precursor in the Biosynthesis of Tenellin and Tropic Acid." R. J. Cox and D. O'Hagan, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1., 1991, 2537-2540.

2. "Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Substrates and Inhibitors of NSuccinylLLDiaminopimelate Aminotransferase (DAP-AT) From E. coli." R. J. Cox, W. A. Sherwin, L. Lam and J. C. Vederas, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118(32), 7449-7460.

3. "The DAP Pathway to Lysine as a Target for Antimicrobial Agents." R. J. Cox, Natural Product Reports, 1996, 13(1), 29-43.

4. "Post-Translational Modification of Heterologously Expressed Streptomyces Type II Polyketide Synthase Acyl Carrier Proteins." R. J. Cox, T. S. Hitchman, K. J. Byrom, I. S. C. Findlow, J. A. Tanner, J. Crosby and T. J. Simpson, FEBS Letters, 1997, 405, 267-272.

5. "Catalytic Self Acylation of Type II Polyketide Synthase Acyl Carrier Proteins" T. S. Hitchman, J. Crosby, K, J, Byrom, R. J. Cox and T. J. Simpson, Chemistry and Biology, 1998, 5, 35-47.

6. "Inhibitors of N-Succinyl Diaminopimelic Acid Aminotransferase (DAP-AT) : A Novel Class of Antimicrobial Compounds." Russell J. Cox, James A. Schouten, Rosie A. Stentiford and Katrina J. Wareing, Bio. Med. Chem. Lett., 1998, 8, 945-950.

7. "Biosynthesis", R. J. Cox, Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem., 1998, 94(B), 187-206.

8. "Acylation of Streptomyces Type II Polyketide Synthase Acyl Carrier Proteins" J. Crosby, T. S. Hitchman, K. J. Byrom, R. J. Cox, M. P. Crump, I. S. C. Findlow, M. Bibb and T. J. Simpson, 1998, FEBS Letts, 433, 132-138.

9. "Synthesis and Evaluation of a Putative Acyl Tetramic Acid Intermediate in Tenellin Biosynthesis in Beauveria Bassiana. A New Role for Tyrosine in Tenellin Biosynthesis." M. Caragh Moore, R. J. Cox, G. R. Duffin and D. O'Hagan. 1988, 54, 9195-9206.

10. "Inhibition of DAP processing Enzymes", R. J. Cox and J. C. Vederas, Acc. Chem Res. in preparation.

11. "Heterologous Expression, Purification and Characterisation of Streptomyces coelicolor Malonyl CoA:ACP Transacylase", Timothy S. Hitchman, Russell J. Cox, John Crosby and Thomas J. Simpson, Biochemistry, 1988, Submitted.

12. "Reconstituted Homologous Actinorhodin Minimal Polyketide Synthase from Streptomyces coelicolor : Requirement for MCAT?" Anne-Lise Matharu, Russell. J. Cox, John Crosby and Thomas J. Simpson, 1998, Chemistry and Biology, 1998, 5(12).

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