Radical Induced Ring Expansion of Tetramic Acids - Access to Anti-Fungal Agents

Stage IV Project - Reshma Patel

Supervisor Dr Russell Cox

Second Assessor Dr G. C. Lloyd-Jones


2-Pyridones are a comparatively rare class of secondary metabolites. They are biologically formed by the condensation of a polyketide moiety and an amino acid or its derivative. Compounds such as funiculosin 1 possess interesting biological functions such as anti-fungal and anti-tumour properties. However functionalised 2-pyridones are extremely difficult to synthesise. 2-Pyridones may be biosynthesised via radical induced ring expansion of a tetramic acid 2, and this type of approach could be put to use chemically. Precedence exists for similar chemical reactions of carbocyclic molecules.


The synthesis of simple acyl tetramates bearing a hydroxyl functionality at the beta-carbon was achieved last year by Stephen Cone by reacting beta-hydroxy alpha-aminoesters 3 with acetone diketone adduct 4. The resulting beta-keto amides 5 were cyclised easily to form acyl tetramates 6. This project will focus on the generation of a radical next to the ring. This will be achieved by converting beta-alcohol 6 to a methyl xanthate 7. Tin Hydride reaction will deoxygenate and generate a radical at the required position. Characterisation of reaction products will be undertaken to determine whether the required ring expansion has occurred.


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