News in 2005

  • Brunel and the Art of Invention 19 April 2006 An exhibition inspired by the life and work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel Bristol opens at Bristol’s City Museum and Art Gallery this week. The exhibition, entitled Brunel and the Art of Invention, was curated by Dr Claire O’Mahony, Director of History of Art Lifelong Learning at the University of Bristol.
  • Professor Patricia Broadfoot honoured 4 January 2006 University of Bristol Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Patricia Broadfoot, was granted the award of Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen’s New Year Honours list.
  • How to cook the perfect turkey (the scientific way) 23 December 2005 For most people, the key to preparing the perfect Christmas meal is cooking the turkey. University of Bristol physicist, Dr Peter Barham explains how applying scientific principles in the kitchen at Christmas can help you achieve the perfect festive fowl.
  • Benefits of flu vaccine substantially overestimated says study 21 December 2005 Studies of influenza vaccine effectiveness in elderly people substantially overestimate vaccine benefits, according to new research from the US published today in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE), edited at the University of Bristol.
  • Collaboration wins £3.4m award 20 December 2005 The University of Bristol and the University of Bath have collaborated to win a £3.4 million EPSRC Collaborative Training award to establish an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Centre for The Management of Systems for Enhanced Performance, based at the University of Bristol.
  • Breakthrough in treatment for osteoarthritis sufferers 19 December 2005 Scientists at the University of Bristol have given arthritis sufferers new hope of an effective treatment after a breakthrough in stem cell research.
  • Leading heart expert recruited 19 December 2005 Every two minutes someone in the UK has a heart attack. Heart and circulatory disease is the UK 's biggest killer with one in five men and one in six women dying from it.
  • Honorary degree awarded to WWI veteran 16 December 2005 Bristol University awarded an Honorary degree to a very special visitor at Friday’s annual meeting of the University Court held in the Wills Memorial Building. Mr Harry Patch, a 107 year old veteran of the Great War and a member of the workforce that constructed the Wills Memorial Building in 1925, was honoured with the degree of Master of Arts at a special ceremony.
  • Students help to rebuild communities in East Africa 15 December 2005 A group of students from Bristol University is hoping to start up a school and community resource centre in a village in northern Uganda.
  • What lurks beneath? 14 December 2005 Findings published in Nature help explain a region deep in the Earth’s interior that has puzzled scientists for decades.
  • Major venture into computer-aided scientific research 14 December 2005 A project aimed at improving understanding of how best to use computers in the field of scientific discovery is being launched by the University.
  • Paternal ancestors’ experiences can affect development, health and survival 14 December 2005 New research has provided evidence for ‘environmental inheritance’, a radical theory of transgenerational genetic adaptation proposed by Professor Marcus Pembrey of the Institute of Child Health, UCL in the mid 1990’s.
  • New study reveals link between suicide and body mass index 14 December 2005 A new study has found a link between a person’s weight (body mass index (BMI) and their risk of suicide, after studying over a million Swedish men.
  • UK’s largest robot labs to open in Bristol 14 December 2005 Intelligent and independent robots, designed to cooperate with people and work autonomously, are to be developed at a new robotics facility in Bristol. These exciting new devices, to be developed over the next ten years, will shape our daily lives.
  • Law course for young mums earns top award 12 December 2005 Academics at Bristol University are to be rewarded for their efforts in providing young mothers with a greater understanding of the legal system and how it affects them.
  • Buying a pension: a new formula for calculating the cost 10 December 2005 How much money will you need in your pension fund to have an adequate income in retirement? Dr Edmund Cannon of the University of Bristol has worked out a handy formula.
  • The sale of Manchester United 8 December 2005 Malcolm Glazer’s purchase of Manchester United represents a massive expropriation of money and time donated by supporters over decades, according to economics professor Patrick Francois, writing in the first issue of a new publication from the University of Bristol.
  • University of Bristol helps out with earthquake appeal 5 December 2005 Bristol University has helped the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society (BMCS) to raise over £10,000 in response to an earthquake appeal launched last month to help the Kashmir earthquake victims. Three million people are homeless and 80,000 people have died following the earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.
  • Youngsters to have a sporting day out 5 December 2005 Sixty young people from Teyfant Community School, Hartcliffe, will join Bristol University students and staff for an all-action programme of sporting fun at the University’s Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health on Thursday, 8 December.
  • University signs partnership agreement to market its ideas commercially 5 December 2005 Academic staff with an interest in turning discoveries into commercial enterprises will have now access to additional expertise and investment thanks to a partnership between the University and an intellectual property commercialisation company.
  • Hollywood producer to open refurbished Graduate School of Education 2 December 2005 Lord Puttnam of Queensgate has been invited to perform the official opening ceremony for the University of Bristol’s Graduate School of Education next week.
  • Memory, attitudes and opinions 30 November 2005 How much knowledge do memory-impaired individuals retain about their own attitudes and opinions?
  • How eating (and growing) could improve your IQ 30 November 2005 The connection between childhood growth and levels of intelligence is explored in a new study from the Children of the 90s project.
  • Theatre activist comes to Bristol 29 November 2005 An activist imprisoned for thirteen years under the repressive Stroessner dictatorship in Paraguay is to visit Bristol University as part of an award-winning initiative based in the Department of Hispanic Studies.
  • Mike O'Brien hosts talk at the University of Bristol 28 November 2005 Mike O’Brien (Cardiff Newsagent Three case) is visiting the School of Law, University of Bristol, tomorrow [Tuesday, 29 November], to lend his support to the innovative University of Bristol Innocence Project.
  • Views sought on University's future plans 25 November 2005 People who live and work in Bristol are being invited to give their views on an ambitious masterplan drawn up to shape the future of the University’s precinct.
  • An insight into the unusual 24 November 2005 The deputy chairman of ARUP, one of the world’s largest engineering firms, responsible for such iconic buildings as the Sydney Opera House and the World Trade Centre, will visit the University of Bristol on Thursday, 1 December to give an insight into his extraordinary designs.
  • Dawn Primarolo supports enterprise culture at University of Bristol 22 November 2005 Dawn Primarolo, Labour MP for Bristol South and Paymaster General, visited the University of Bristol to officially launch its annual New Enterprise Competition.
  • University helps launch search for the next Brunel 22 November 2005 Budding ‘Brunels’ from across the country are being sought as part of a major celebration of one of the greatest engineers this country has produced.
  • Childcare reduces stress levels for kids with working mums 21 November 2005 Low job satisfaction in working mothers increases the stress levels of their children, but spending longer in childcare can help overcome these effects, new research has shown.
  • It's party time! 21 November 2005 Up to 120 local children will be having a fun and festive time at the eleventh annual kids’ Christmas party organised by Bristol University’s Student Community Action (SCA) on Saturday, 3 December.
  • Student shortlisted for award for raising awareness of United Nations 18 November 2005 A law student at Bristol University has made it through to the finals of a competition to celebrate higher education’s links with the wider community.
  • Students reach southern France in charity jailbreak 18 November 2005 A group of Bristol University students managed to travel from Clifton to near the Italian border in only 36 hours without any money.
  • Treating pain 16 November 2005 New ways to alleviate debilitating pain are being investigated in the Henry Wellcome Laboratories for Integrative Neuroscience and Endocrinology.
  • Kick starting Enterprise Week with enterprise conference 15 November 2005 Over 200 university students from throughout the UK kicked off Enterprise Week with Student Enterprise '05, a national student enterprise conference in Bath, UK.
  • New centre of excellence on site of former children's hospital 10 November 2005 The University has set aside £35 million for the creation of a new building to house the School of Biological Sciences.
  • Early life experiences and eating disorders 10 November 2005 Young girls who suffer sexual abuse are much more likely to develop eating disorders as adults, even when they are pregnant. A new study suggests it could affect the health of their own children.
  • The exabyte challenge 9 November 2005 Our approach to dealing with data has essentially remained unchanged for the past 25 centuries ...
  • Designing your future 9 November 2005 Last year Professor Joe McGeehan was voted sixth in the world in a list of top 10 technologists.
  • Human rights for the 21st century 9 November 2005 In the University's School of Law, human rights is a major research theme with individuals advising governments at the highest level.
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