News in 2015

  • Pitcher plants ‘switch off’ traps to capture more ants 14 January 2015 Insect-eating pitcher plants temporarily ‘switch off’ their traps in order to lure more prey into danger, new research from the University of Bristol and the University of Cambridge has found.
  • Jaw mechanics of a shell-crushing Jurassic fish revealed by University of Bristol undergraduate 13 January 2015 The feeding habits of an unusual 200-million-year-old fish have been uncovered by a University of Bristol undergraduate in a groundbreaking study which has been published in Palaeontology, a leading scientific journal, this week – a rare achievement for an undergraduate student.
  • Campaign captures the many faces of Bristol 12 January 2015 From students to staff, academics to alumni, many people from many walks of life play a vital role in making the University of Bristol such a vibrant community. A unique, year-long campaign called 52 Faces of Bristol has been capturing this diversity.
  • Hong Kong history project launched 12 January 2015 A new project, hosted at the University of Bristol and funded by the Hatton Trust, which aims to encourage and facilitate the study of the history of Hong Kong in the UK will be launched this week.
  • Registration for second University MOOC now open 8 January 2015 The University of Bristol’s second Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Cultural Studies and Modern Languages: An Introduction, launches on Monday 16 February 2015. Registration is now open on the FutureLearn website, with the course already reporting a high level of enrolment.
  • Rapid weight gain in first three months of life increases asthma risk 8 January 2015 Babies who gain weight rapidly in the first three months of life are more likely to develop asthma and for it to persist into adolescence. This is according to the latest research from the University of Bristol’s Children of the 90s study, which analysed information on height, weight and asthma symptoms in almost 10,000 people in the study at various points in time from birth to age 17.
  • Letter to government calls for employment tribunal fees to be axed 7 January 2015 Leading trade unionists, lawyers and academics have called on the government to abolish employment tribunal fees, saying the controversial policy is denying workers access to justice.
  • New technology enables ultra-fast steering and shaping of light beams 6 January 2015 A team of engineers has developed a new acousto-optic device that can shape and steer beams of light at speeds never before achieved. The new technology will enable better optical devices to be made, such as holographs that can move rapidly in real time.
  • New treatment offers hope for headshaking in horses 6 January 2015 At present there are no consistently safe and effective methods for the treatment of headshaking in horses. The condition, a neuropathic facial pain syndrome, often leaves affected horses impossible to ride and dangerous to handle, and can result in euthanasia. A new study has found a treatment called percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) could reduce signs of the condition in horses. The same PENS therapy is used in people to manage neuropathic pain.
  • University of Bristol ranked top five for research in the UK 6 January 2015 The University of Bristol is ranked among the top five institutions in the UK for its research, according to new analysis of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 which takes into account the percentage of staff submitted.
  • Bristol research among most-read science news in 2014 5 January 2015 News generated about research from the University of Bristol is among the most-read in the world, according to the latest statistics announced by the EurekAlert! global news service.
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