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‘Transformative’: Event celebrates Bristol as a University of Sanctuary

Bristol student Abdullahi Abdi talks at the celebratory event

The event was held at the University's Global Lounge

'Life Journey as a Refugee' by Bristol student Benyam Tewelde

Press release issued: 18 March 2024

Students praised the “transformative potential of education” at a special event celebrating the University of Bristol as a University of Sanctuary.

City leaders joined students and staff to hear about the University’s Sanctuary Scholarship programme, which has helped the forcibly displaced to study at Bristol since 2016.

Scholars enrolled on the programme receive degree funding, pastoral care, careers advice and sports passes.

In 2019, Bristol was awarded University of Sanctuary status and in 2022 the University announced it was expanding the scholarship.

The celebratory event also showcased art created during a two-day workshop called ‘Finding Home in Education’. The workshop was attended by 17 students and staff from nine UK universities - including some from Bristol - all of whom came from forcibly displaced backgrounds.

Bristol student Abdullahi Abdi said he “can’t put words to express how amazing the experience was”.

The Social Policy student added: “This city [Bristol] has been so welcoming. Who knew people from 180 different countries lived here? I would recommend it to anyone.”

Bristol was officially recognised as a City of Sanctuary in 2010.

Benyam Tewelde, a Pharmacology student and Sanctuary Scholar, praised the “transformative potential of education” and said he felt “privileged to be at a top 10 university”.

Students have previously called the Sanctuary Scholarship “life-changing”. Since 2016 it has supported 76 talented people.

The celebratory event was held at the Global Lounge, a multicultural hub and events space at the University.

The event included a mezze dinner, a showcase of the art (see photos) and a short film featuring the student artists.

Speaking at the event, Prof Palie Smart, the University’s Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Global Civic Engagement, said the University was “passionate about offering belonging and hope for people from all walks of life."

She added: “Tonight it is our pleasure to celebrate with you what it means to be a University of Sanctuary, located in a City of Sanctuary.”

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