News in July

  • Bristol shines in new survey of international student satisfaction 11 July 2017 The University of Bristol has high scores for satisfaction in key areas of the international student experience, according to the world’s largest survey of international students.
  • £16 million boost to develop world-leading 5G test network 11 July 2017 A world-class 5G technology test network will aim to put Britain at the forefront of the next wave of mobile technology - potentially adding up to £173 billion to the economy by 2030.
  • Bristol offers major scholarships in partnership with Colombian government 11 July 2017 The University of Bristol has introduced a new scholarship scheme for high-performing Colombian students through an innovative partnership with the Colombian government.
  • Teens get a taste of life as a Bristol student 10 July 2017 A-level students from across the UK are in Bristol this week, experiencing what it might be like to live and study as a University of Bristol student.
  • How can diagnostics deliver a more effective use of antibiotics in animals? 10 July 2017 Are there better ways to diagnose animals in need of antibiotics on livestock farms? How will farmers and veterinarians use novel diagnostics in the fight against animal disease? These are some questions a consortium of seven academics – including two veterinarians from the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences - will address thanks to a £1.75 million grant to understand how better diagnostics can encourage responsible antibiotic use in animals.
  • Landmark £10 million gift for the University of Bristol’s ambitious new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus 10 July 2017 The University of Bristol has received its largest ever philanthropic gift to support the creation of its new campus in the heart of the city.
  • £16m investment will create new 5G Hub partnership linking three universities' test beds 7 July 2017 Three sites in the UK will be linked up via 5G test beds for the first time thanks to £16m investment from the Government. The funding, announced by Minister for Digital Matt Hancock today, will bring three leading universities together for the development of the world's first trials of end-to-end 5G system.
  • Quantum in conversation 7 July 2017 In collaboration with artist/historian Milica Prokic, the team at the University of Bristol’s Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (QET Labs) is engaging in a conversation about quantum research, its implications, and its impact on our world.
  • Professor Anne Ridley appointed Head of School for Cellular and Molecular Medicine 6 July 2017 Professor Anne Ridley FMedSci FRS has been confirmed as the new Head of the School for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
  • Women speak out about experiences of domestic violence and abuse to help others 6 July 2017 A new resource designed to support women experiencing domestic violence and abuse has been launched on the HealthTalk charity website today. The resource, developed by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford with funding from the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme, includes over 30 video- and audio-recorded interviews with women who describe a range of abuse, including physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse, and coercive and controlling behaviour, which became a criminal offence in 2015.
  • Sugar intake during pregnancy is associated with allergy and allergic asthma in children 6 July 2017 High maternal sugar intake during pregnancy may increase the risk of allergy and allergic asthma in the offspring, according to an early study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) involving University of Bristol researchers and almost 9,000 mother-child pairs. While some research has reported an association between a high consumption of sugar-containing beverages and asthma in children, the relation between maternal sugar intake during pregnancy and allergy and asthma in the offspring has been little studied.
  • Come and fire your passion for all things STEM 5 July 2017 The latest cutting-edge research will be on display at Big Bang Bristol, a free two-day science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) extravaganza at the Trinity Arts Centre, Bristol, on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July.
  • University of Bristol delighted to support Bristol Pride 2017 5 July 2017 This year’s Bristol Pride Festival 2017 is well underway and the University of Bristol is once again delighted to be a sponsor and supporter for this fantastic celebration.
  • Flowers’ genome duplication contributes to their spectacular diversity 5 July 2017 Scientists at the University of Bristol have shed new light on the evolution of flowers in research published today in the Royal Society journal Proceedings B.
  • Student a cappella group to star in new BBC talent show Pitch Battle 4 July 2017 From the Student Union to our screens, the University of Bristol’s student a cappella group, The Bristol Suspensions, make their TV debut in brand new, high-energy talent competition.
  • Our University’s links to Bristol’s business community in the late 19th century 4 July 2017 Our University can trace its roots back to the formation of University College in 1876, which was the precursor to the university we have today. From 1876, the University College struggled financially until 1908, when Henry Overton Wills promised a gift of £100,000 – a massive sum at that time – provided that a Royal Charter was granted to the University within two years. The promise of this gift led to further funding, and in 1909 the Charter was granted and the University of Bristol came into being.
  • New report calls on universities to be more ambitious when reaching out to adult learners 4 July 2017 Pioneering work done by the University of Bristol to entice adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds into higher education has fed into a new report looking at better ways to widen access and participation from under-represented groups.
  • The parties, the people and the polls: who swung the UK General Election? 3 July 2017 University of Bristol Political Sociology Lecturer and British polling expert, Ms Paula Surridge looks at data that has emerged after the UK General Election. Find out who voted in the election, the impact they had and the surprising trends that she's found.
  • Cycling gold, bits to qubits and the defect game 3 July 2017 How engineering is helping track cyclists reach for gold, harnessing the power of quantum computers and the hidden world of engineering safety testing are three research projects University of Bristol academics will be showcasing at a free festival to celebrate the most exciting cutting-edge science and technology in the UK.
  • What is best practice in school sex education? 3 July 2017 Sex and relationship education (SRE) is regarded as vital for improving young people's sexual health but a third of schools in England lacks good SRE and government guidance is outdated. New research led by the University of Bristol has found clear evidence that school-based SRE and school-linked sexual health services can be effective at improving sexual health.
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