News in May

  • Pubs across Bristol to quench a thirst for knowledge 11 May 2015 Pub goers in Bristol will soon be served a slice of science with their drinks thanks to students and researchers in the city. Six venues across Bristol are hosting down-to-earth talks for the public as part of the Pint of Science festival from 18 to 20 May, featuring experts from the University of Bristol and UWE Bristol.
  • Student captures remarkable images of sea lions in the Galápagos Islands 8 May 2015 Sam Rowley, a second-year University of Bristol Biology student, captured these remarkable images of sea lions resting on waterside benches while visiting Isabela Island – the largest of the Galápagos Islands – as part of a trip to build a comprehensive portfolio promoting the beauty, uniqueness and fragility of the islands' wildlife.
  • Exploring the archaeology and history of the ‘Westminster Abbey of Wales’ 7 May 2015 The history, archaeology and conservation of one of Wales' finest medieval buildings – St Mary’s Priory Church, Abergavenny – is the subject of a new book, edited by University of Bristol archaeologist, Dr George Nash.
  • Complete Hell at Bristol 7 May 2015 Bristol students took part this week in a marathon reading of Dante’s epic poem, The Inferno.
  • How climate science denial affects the scientific community 7 May 2015 Climate change denial in public discourse may encourage climate scientists to over-emphasise scientific uncertainty and is also affecting how they themselves speak – and perhaps even think – about their own research, a new study from the University of Bristol, UK argues.
  • Great George tolls to mark 70th anniversary of VE Day 7 May 2015 Bristol’s largest bell, housed in the Wills Memorial Building which was badly damaged in the Second World War, will ring out across the city on Saturday as the nation marks the 70th anniversary of VE Day.
  • Bristol chemists win Royal Society of Chemistry awards 6 May 2015 Dr John Bower and Professor Anthony Davis in the School of Chemistry have won prestigious awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Sherlock, a river god and a lion’s den: discover the magic of Goldney Gardens 6 May 2015 With its glistening shell-lined grotto and famous orangery, the 10 acre gardens at Goldney Hall in Clifton are among the most beautiful in the region. Members of the public are invited to learn about the garden and house thanks to a series of specialist history tours arranged by the University of Bristol this summer.
  • Take 48 students and a pinch of Salters 5 May 2015 Forty-eight students from 16 schools in the south west of England and south Wales will enjoy an exciting day of chemistry at the Salters' Festival of Chemistry, to be held at the University’s School of Chemistry on Tuesday 19 May.
  • One step closer to an insulin vaccine for type 1 diabetes 5 May 2015 An international team of researchers from Bristol, Dresden, Munich, Vienna and Denver have successfully completed the first step in the development of an insulin vaccine to prevent type 1 diabetes.
  • Living standards for UK population have fallen 5 May 2015 Living standards of the UK population have fallen, particularly since the April 2013 cuts in social security and other austerity measures took effect, according to new analyses from the Poverty and Social Exclusion project team and the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research.
  • Higher levels of inattention at age seven linked with lower GCSE grades 1 May 2015 Children who display increasing levels of inattention at the age of seven are at risk of worse academic outcomes in their GCSE examinations, according to new research led by the universities of Bristol and Nottingham and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • Four new Fellows of the Royal Society announced 1 May 2015 Four University of Bristol academics have been elected Fellows of the world’s most eminent and oldest scientific academy in continuous existence: the Royal Society. Professor Philip Donoghue (Earth Sciences), Professor Jens Marklof (Mathematics), Professor John Rarity (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) and Professor Alan Roberts (Biological Sciences) join a Fellowship of some 1,400 outstanding individuals representing science, engineering and medicine: a global scientific network of the highest calibre.
  • People’s Pier Project to study Clevedon Pier 1 May 2015 Clevedon Pier in North Somerset will be part of a new study, involving historians from the University of Bristol, into Victorian seaside piers and how they fit with today’s society.
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