News in 2007

  • Innovative Odor-Reader set to save lives and money 3 July 2007 A pioneering new device that could help over four billion adults and children who suffer from infectious diarrhoea in the developing world and reduce outbreaks of diseases such as clostridium difficile (C.Diff) in UK hospital wards is the winner of this year’s University of Bristol’s New Enterprise Competition.
  • Stop smoking: sign up to Desktop Quitting 3 July 2007 With the smoking ban now in force, the University has signed up to an online service available over the next 12 months to help staff give up smoking.
  • Familiar endings, new beginnings 3 July 2007 As graduation comes round again, the Vice-Chancellor reflects on the past, looks to the future, and leaves us to imagine him in a hat with corks.
  • Pope honours Bristol Catholic theologian and ecumenist 3 July 2007 Dr Mervyn Davies, an honorary member of staff in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, has received a Papal Cross for distinguished service to the Church.
  • Pete Siwiec 2 July 2007 Pete Siwiec, a cleaner based in the Medical Building, died suddenly in June. Liz Lynch, Site Services Manager, remembers 'a genuinely kindhearted man'.
  • Back to sleep during the day 29 June 2007 In the mid-1980s it was recognised that the number of babies dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, commonly referred to as cot death) had increased in many countries, but no-one knew quite why.
  • Surgeons set sail for charity 28 June 2007 Two Bristol surgeons are about to embark on an adventurous operation as they prepare to set sail on their new floating operating theatre, being launched tomorrow [Tuesday, 3 July], to help raise awareness of skin cancer.
  • Does posting your own content online inspire learning? 28 June 2007 Professor Angela McFarlane in the Graduate School of Education has been awarded an AHRC/BBC grant worth £100,000 to research social learning in user-generated content communities.
  • Varinder Aggarwal awarded EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship 28 June 2007 Professor Varinder Aggarwal in the School of Chemistry has been awarded a Senior Research Fellowship by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
  • Gordon Pavey 27 June 2007 Gordon Pavey, Honorary Special Lecturer in Education at the Graduate School of Education, died after a short illness on 8 June.
  • A meeting of remarkable minds 27 June 2007 Two Bristol academics will be among 30 early career researchers from across the world of science who will come together this weekend for the first of three innovation Labs being run by NESTA (The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts).
  • £5 million boost for study of China 27 June 2007 A £5 million programme to ensure that British higher education is equipped to compete globally in Chinese studies as that country rises in international importance was launched today by the universities of Bristol, Oxford and Manchester.
  • Thousands to sample university life 27 June 2007 Over 10,000 students from all over the country are expected at Bristol University today [Thursday 28 June] for the University’s Open Day.
  • Chemistry for our future 26 June 2007 Watching sodium fizz as it reacts with water or making a well-known drug such as aspirin are just some of the experiments that are part of a new pilot project taking place at Bristol University today [Wednesday 27 June] to help inspire students to take up A-level Chemistry.
  • Alzheimer’s disease: where are we 100 years on? 26 June 2007 Next week leading UK researchers will be speaking about the latest Alzheimer’s research and treatment at a free public lecture hosted by Bristol University.
  • Satirical science has the last laugh 26 June 2007 Bristol-based company Null Hypothesis, the Journal of Unlikely Science has just received first-phase equity funding, enabling further development of its award-winning business.
  • Is your rabbit at risk? 25 June 2007 A campaign to educate rabbit owners to recognise the warnings signs of an often fatal condition has been launched by Bristol University's Small Animal Practice. Known as 'Fly Strike' or 'Myiasis', the condition occurs for a number of reasons and most pet rabbits are at risk.
  • Bristol academics honoured in Queen’s Brithday list 25 June 2007 Three Bristol academics have been honoured in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list.
  • Doing it right: Bristol wins Business in the Community Awards 25 June 2007 The University’s Positive Working Environment programme and Dr Nick Walker of the School of Chemistry both won awards in the recent 2007 Business in the Community Awards.
  • Volunteers sought for smoking study 25 June 2007 From 1 July, smoking will be banned in most public places in England. If you're a smoker, why not quit before the ban starts?
  • 15 minutes of football? 22 June 2007 A report by Professor Andy Ness and his ‘Children of the 90s’ team at Bristol, together with Professor Chris Riddoch from Bath University, suggests that making even small increases to a child’s daily exercise routine, such as walking them to school instead of taking the car, could have dramatic long-term results.
  • In our opinion… Science in the public spotlight 22 June 2007 Man’s role in causing climate change has been a topic of much interest over the past 30 years. Dr Rich Pancost, Professor Paul Valdes and Ian Ross, on behalf of the University’s Global Change Initiative, put their side of the argument.
  • Wearable computing spinout wins top investment prize 22 June 2007 A University spinout company specialising in state-of-the-art wearable computing technology has won the top prize in an investment competition. The ‘Peoples’ Investment’ competition formed part of the annual SETsquared Garden Party, showcasing the region’s new businesses to prospective investors.
  • Stem cells to repair damaged heart muscle 22 June 2007 In the first trial of its kind in the world, 60 patients who have recently suffered a major heart attack will be injected with selected stem cells from their own bone marrow during routine coronary bypass surgery.
  • Students win healthcare Oscar 21 June 2007 An innovative nurse call system for people with minimal hand movement, developed by two Bristol University students, has won a prestigious healthcare accolade at the 2007 Medical Futures Innovation Awards. The system won awards for both the Best Patient Independence Innovation and Bone and Joint Innovation.
  • Road closures and parking restrictions on Open Days 21 June 2007 Priory Road, Tyndall Avenue and most of Woodland Road will be closed from 00.01 to 18.00 on Thursday 28 June 2007 and Monday 2 July 2007 for the University’s Open Days.
  • New fuel poverty research tool reveals ‘hot spots’ of cold home misery 21 June 2007 Researchers from the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research have played a key role in developing a new online tool for predicting England’s ‘hot spots’ of fuel poverty.
  • LTSS Summer School 2007 20 June 2007 A chance for lecturers to find out more about the use of technology in education.
  • Bristol joins innovative research partnership 19 June 2007 The University of Bristol has signed a memorandum of understanding to become one of the partners in a cutting-edge technology research foundation that aims to boost UK technological innovation.
  • Team Bristol runs wild 19 June 2007 Twelve Bristol people will be putting on their running shoes this weekend [Saturday, June 23] for a project in Africa.
  • More women needed as role models for medical and dental students 18 June 2007 A report launched today reveals that unless women are attracted to academic careers, the teachers of the next generation of medical and dental students will simply not exist.
  • Schools compete for the title of Panathlon Champions 18 June 2007 Around 280 pupils from 17 Bristol and Plymouth special schools will compete for the title of Bristol’s Disability Panathlon Champions 2007 at the University of Bristol. The three-day event takes place from tomorrow [Tuesday 19] until Thursday 21 June at the University of Bristol’s Coombe Dingle Sports Complex.
  • Turning off cancer 15 June 2007 A way of switching off the development and growth of certain cancer cells has been identified.
  • Ceremony to mark 60th anniversary of city's twinning 14 June 2007 A special degree ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Bristol–Bordeaux and Bristol–Hannover twinning associations will be held at 12 noon today [Friday 15 June] in the Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol.
  • Illuminating the past 14 June 2007 A remarkable collection of picture stories that fascinated audiences before the invention of the movie camera has been restored to life thanks to the University of Bristol’s Theatre Collection.
  • Impulsivity and drug addiction 14 June 2007 Certain changes in brain chemistry have been linked with drug addiction in humans.
  • Getting dirty may lift your mood 14 June 2007 Identifying how the immune system can signal to the brain to influence behaviour and emotional state.
  • Laying down memories 14 June 2007 The function of one enzyme in the brain is strongly linked to a number of major brain diseases.
  • Coach rows to success 14 June 2007 A sports coach at the University of Bristol has won a prestigious BUSA (British Universities Sports Association) ‘Coach of the Year’ award for his dedication to University sport.
  • Bristol Heart Institute launches logo competition 12 June 2007 The Bristol Heart Institute has launched a competition to design its new logo. The entry selected will win £500.
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